How to Donate
All donations to the Hubbell Awards are placed in the Hubbell Awards Scholarship Trust Fund that is held by the Winnipeg Foundation.
Only the interest earned in the Trust Fund is used to fund the awards.
Ways to Donate
E-transfer Using your online banking website (Interact) you can direct your donation to (please e-mail the completed donation form to the same e-mail address):
Online Using the Winnipeg Foundation website you can make a donation to Hubbell Awards trust fund at:
Winnipeg Foundation website
Mail Using Canada Post you can mail your cheque, along with a completed donation form, to:
The Hubbell Awards Incorporated
Suite 190, 680 Whytewold Road
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5
The Hubbell Awards Scholarship Trust Fund
c/o The Winnipeg Foundation
1350 One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, MB R3B OX3
Donation form: Printable version or Fillable version
All donations of $10.00 or more receive a charitable receipt.
There are four categories of donors:
- Diamond - donations with a cumulative total of more than $10,000.00
- Gold - cumulative total between $5,000.00 and $10,000.00
- Silver - cumulative total between $500.00 and $4,999.99
- Copper - cumulative total up to $500.00.
The names of all donors are included in the Presentations Program.
Award Sponsorship
Opportunities to sponsor an award occasionally become available. If you are interested in sponsoring an award, do contact us. All awards have the same value.
The Winnipeg Foundation
The Winnipeg Foundation recently made some changes to how it defines organizations eligible for Agency funds. The Hubbell Awards was identified as one that became eligible to convert the endowment fund to an Agency fund. The Hubbell Awards is now eligible to receive matching dollars on new contributions on a sliding scale.
Planned Giving
The Winnipeg Foundation has a Planned Giving program for those who wish make a gift to a charity. The Hubbell Awards is a participant. There are several tax advantages for gifts in kind of public securities:
- no capital gains tax on gifts of listed securities;
- donation receipt issued for fair market value;
- may be credited against tax in the year of gift and five years forward.
If you choose to make a planned gift, you will automatically be included in the Winnipeg Foundation's Legacy Circle, a program that recognizes those who have chosen to support the community with a promise to a fund at the Foundation.
The Hubbell Awards and The Winnipeg Foundation - working together, For Good, Forever!
For more information on the Hubbell Awards Scholarship Trust Fund or how to make a gift, call The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 (toll free 1-877-977-3631). You may also want to view their website Winnipeg Foundation for additional information.
The number of awards that are presented is dependant upon the number of people who are prepared to sponsor an award. We are hopeful that some people might choose to sponsor an award through planned giving. Award sponsors are assured that all awards will continue to be equally valued.