The Hubbell Awards Incorporated Awards

The Hubbell Awards program currently provides twelve awards, each year, to Cadets currently enrolled in Manitoba Cadet units. The distribution of the awards is based upon the number of youth enrolled in each element and the number who qualify for post secondary education. As the Trust Fund continues to grow, so will the number and value of the awards.

The following are the twelve Hubbell Award currently available, along with information about their sponsors:

Sea Cadet - The Surgeon Captain Gordon P. Fahrni, DSC, MD Award

Dr. Gordon Paton Fahrni was born in Winnipeg in 1916. He graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Manitoba in 1940 and then joined the Royal Canadian Navy.

He was deployed to England and assigned to HMS Fitzroy, a minesweeper on which he served until she was sunk in 1942. He was wounded in action. For his actions Dr. Fahrni was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for bravery, devotion to duty, leadership, and skill in actions against enemy submarines.

Following the war Dr. Fahrni proceeded to post graduate work at the Toronto General Hospital and for further training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA. He received his Fellowship (F.R.C.P.) and practised as a general surgeon at the Winnipeg General, Children's and Grace Hospitals.

He died peacefully in his sleep on January 20, 2007.

This award was sponsored by the estate of Dr. Fahrni.

Sea Cadet - The Manitoba Navy League Division Award

Since 1895 The Navy League of Canada has worked to preserve our maritime legacy, passing it on to future generations so that they may continue to realize the vast potential of our oceans, lakes and rivers and the critical role they play to our national well-being.

The Manitoba Division has directly supported youth programmes in the province since 1920. Beginning as Boys' Naval Brigades, then to Navy League Sea Cadets and now Royal Canadian Sea Cadets & Navy League Cadets.

The Navy League recognizes the importance of Post-Secondary education to the future success of its Cadet Members. They encourage all Cadets to apply themselves to their studies, and believe that the important life skills developed through Cadet training (self-discipline, organization, teamwork, etc.) helps prepare youth to tackle the challenges of college or university education.

This award was sponsored by the Manitoba Division of The Navy League of Canada.

Sea Cadet - The Naval Officers' Association of Canada - Winnipeg Branch Scholarship Award

The Naval Officers’ Association of Canada - Winnipeg Branch is comprised of serving and retired naval officers and others with who have interests in supporting Canada’s Navy. The The Naval Officers' Association of Canada - Winnipeg Branch (NOAC-Winnipeg) supports the activities at HMCS Chippawa and in particular the activities of Sea and Navy League Cadets. Their award is designed to help fulfill this mandate by providing assistance to a Cadet pursuing post-secondary education.

This award was sponsored by The Naval Officers' Association of Canada - Winnipeg Branch.

Army Cadet - The Lieutenant Laurence Gillmor Sherman Award

Lieutenant Laurence Gillmor Sherman was twenty when he enrolled in the Canadian Forces. He trained with the Calgary Highlanders and earned a commission as an infantry officer.

He went overseas in 1943 and was posted to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment in Italy that had suffered enormous losses in battle.

Lieutenant Sherman joined them in time for the assault on Monte Casino on May 23. It was in that battle that he fell at the age of 23.

In his book 'The Liri Valley, Canada's World War II Breakthrough to Rome, military historian Mark Zuehike writes in detail of that day's assault on the Hitler Line at Casino, and records that 'with both Lieutenants wounded, the sections were pinned down. They added more bodies to the tangle left earlier by the PPCLI. One machine-gun was firing on the Edmonton's from just a few feet away. When Lieutenant Sherman attempted to organize the bridgehead inside the wire, he was struck three times by sniper fire and killed'.

In 1995, Sherman Lake in northern Manitoba was named for him.

This award was sponsored by Lieutenant Sherman's brother, The Honourable Louis Ralph (Bud) Sherman.

Army Cadet - The Honorary Colonels' Army Cadet Scholarship Award

In the Army, the rank of Colonel is the highest field rank below General Officer. It is one of the oldest in existence, dating as far back in time as the Roman Empire.

Army Honorary Colonels have long been a part of the Army institution with a proud history of dedication and service to Canada. They are officers on all matters with the exception of operations.

They work behind the scenes and provide a much needed connection between the community and the Canadian Army.

The rank recognizes individuals who offer their talents for the enrichment and greater good of Canada and the appointment of Honorary Colonel conveys a heritage of duty, commitment, and service.

The Motto of the Canadian Army is Vigilamus pro te (We stand on Guard for Thee) and The Honorary Colonels' Army Cadet Scholarship Award promotes that sentiment of service to Canada.

This award was sponsored by several serving and former army officers, including honorary colonels.

Air Cadet - The Janice and Barry Rempel Honorary Colonel's Air Cadet Scholarship Award

In the military, the rank of Colonel is the highest field rank below General Officer. It is one of the oldest in existence, dating as far back in time as the Roman Empire.

Honorary Colonels are part of an institution with a proud history of dedication and service to our country. They are officers on all matters with the exception of operations.

They work behind the scenes and provide a much needed connection between the community and the Canadian Armed Forces.

The rank recognizes individuals who offer their talents for the enrichment and greater good of Canada.

The appointment of Honorary Colonel conveys a heritage of duty, commitment, and service.

The motto of the Royal Canadian Air Force is “sic itur ad astra” “such is the pathway to the stars”.

The Janice and Barry Rempel Honorary Colonel's Air Cadet Scholarship Award promotes that motto.

This award was sponsored by Honorary Colonel Barry Rempel and his wife Janice.

Air Cadet - The Flight Sergeant Fred Marean Award

Flight Sergeant Fred Marean was the eldest son of homesteaders from Iowa who settled in Saskatchewan.

Fred graduated from Boyle School in Estlin, SK and then continued his education at Balfour Technical School and Success Business School in Regina, where he studied accounting. At various times he worked as a farm hand for his father, truck driver, store clerk, and service station attendant to help support himself while attending Business School in Regina. He played for local hockey and baseball teams, but his greatest love was badminton.

He was called for service under the National Resources Mobilization Act in 1941 and was assigned to the Royal Canadian Artillery in Shilo for training as a gunner. Three months later, he transferred to the Royal Canadian Air Force for pilot training. He completed his initial flight training in Virden, MB and Yorkton, SK before proceeding to England where he was assigned to 78 Squadron, Royal Air Force to fly Halifax bombers.

During the night of March 12, 1943, he was the pilot of DT774, one of about 1,000 aircraft whose mission was to bomb the Krupp factories in the Dortmund and Essen areas that had been manufacturing tanks, artillery, naval guns, armour plate, munitions and other armaments. His return trip took him over Holland, where his aircraft was brought down by a night fighter near Nijmegen. It was his sixteenth mission.

He was the only Canadian aboard the aircraft. The others were all members of the Royal Air Force. They are all buried in a small cemetery near Uden, Holland. Fred was twenty-three.

The residents of Uden wanted to pay tribute to the many Allied airmen who had lost their lives near their town, but they wanted to focus on one aircraft. They chose FSgt Marean's Halifax bomber because they could remember it flying low and trailing fire. Some were afraid it might fall on their house. That did not happen, but one engine did fall through the roof of a barn before it crashed in an open field.

In 1977 the people of Uden dedicated a plaque to the one aircraft they could remember so well. The plaque was installed on the home of the farmer that lost his barn that evening. It includes the names and appointments of all of the crew of Halifax Bomber DT774.

On the seventieth anniversary of the downing of DT774 the people of Uden held another commemorative service on March 12, 2013.

Marean Lake in Saskatchewan is named for him.

This award was sponsored by Ivan and June Poitras. June was FSgt Marean's niece.

Air Cadet - The Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) James Randolph Popplow, SBStJ, CD, BSc, BEd, MD, MSc, ABPM (AM), FACPM Award

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) James Randolph Popplow, was born in Kitchener in 1942 and first served as an Army Cadet in the 56 Field Regiment Cadet Corps and the 56 Field Regiment Reserve before joining the Royal Canadian Air Force at age 18. He trained as an Air Navigator/Radio Officer at the Air Navigation School at RCAF Station Winnipeg and received his Air Navigator Wings in July 1962. After further training at the Operational Training Unit, RCAF Station Summerside PEI, he was posted to 415 Maritime Patrol Squadron and flew maritime patrols in the CP-107 Argus aircraft out of Summerside.

In 1966 he was accepted by Queen's University, Kingston, ON. He also enrolled in the Princess of Wales Own Regiment Reserve. After receiving his BSc and BEd degrees, he rejoined the Canadian Forces, and received his MD degree from Queen's. During his early service as a Canadian Forces Flight Surgeon. He completed a Masters degree in aerospace medicine at Wright State University, Dayton Ohio. He was elected a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine in 1983, a Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association in 1989 and a Fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute in 2001.

LCol Popplow went on to serve for 31 years in the RCAF/CF before he retired as the Air Command Flight Surgeon in1995.

His second career was with Manitoba Health where he was a Senior Medical Advisor for eleven years.

In 2007, in response to the Canadian Forces Medical Service staffing needs during the Afghanistan War, he returned as the 1 Canadian Air Division Aeromedical Standards and Clinical Services Flight Surgeon until his 2013 retirement.

Dr Popplow was the Honorary Colonel of 16(Regina) and 17(Winnipeg) Field Ambulance from 2006 to 2012.

This award was sponsored by Dr. James Popplow and his wife Jeanette.

Air Cadet - The Honorary Colonel Ben Van Ruiten, MSM, CD Award

Honorary Colonel Ben Van Ruiten was born and raised in the Netherlands, and survived the Second World War terror of five years under German occupation.

He was captured twice and fortunately escaped both times.

From 1945 to 1946 he served as an interpreter with the British Army. He was deployed to the Leicester Yeomanry, attached to the Gold Stream Guard where he was immediately promoted to Sergeant without knowing anything about Army Life.

At age 29 he immigrated to Canada under the available Agriculture qualifications. He worked for Pacific Florists Wholesale and Green Houses in Victoria, BC for two years. He then joined Winnipeg Florists Supply Company Ltd. in the supply department and eventually became the C.E.O. in the mid eighties.

He was a gentleman of impeccable integrity, boundless energy and a wonderful sense of humour. He was so very proud of his Canadian Citizenship.

He was the Honorary Consul of the Netherlands for seventeen years.

He was thrilled to be appointed Honorary Colonel of 17 Wing, his labour of love. He continued his enduring admiration and gratitude to the Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces for restoring freedom to the Netherlands in 1945.

During his thirteen year term, Honorary Colonel Van Ruiten provided outstanding service to the Canadian Forces and the 17 Wing Community. He dedicated himself to countless events and initiatives supporting members of the Canadian Forces, who serve here at home and abroad. He served Veterans, Cadets, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg.

Known and respected by every member of this community, Honorary Colonel Van Ruiten was an outstanding example of professionalism, civic responsibility and leadership. He brought great credit to himself, to 17 Wing and to the Canadian Forces.

He maintained absolute esteem and respect of the Royal Canadian Air Force current personnel that forever kept him young and on his toes.

This award was sponsored by Ms. Arlene Van Ruiten.

Air Cadet - The Honorary Colonel (Retired) George E. Chapman Q.C. Award

George Chapman was a charter member of 170 St. James Squadron Air Cadets in 1942. He obtained his B.Sc. in 1950 at the University of Manitoba and enrolled in the University Reserve Training Program while studying law. He received his Commission in the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1952 and was called to the Manitoba Bar in 1954.

George obtained his private pilot licence in 1955 and maintained it for 40 years. From 2013 to 2017 He served as the Honorary Colonel of 402 City of Winnipeg Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force and retired from his 63-year career as a lawyer in 2017.

He has always described his training as a Cadet as giving him a great start in his formative years, and proved invaluable throughout his career."

This award was sponsored by HCol George Chapman.

All Elements - The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba Award

The aim of The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba (RMIM) is to encourage, promote and further interest in Canadian military issues. The RMIM has the following objectives:

  • To provide through presentations and discussions information and opinions on matters of military and security importance to Canada.
  • To maintain awareness through the use of email and the internet, of national and international political and military events that could influence government and political decisions or actions.
  • To recognize and acknowledge those who have provided notable support to Canada's defence and security forces.
  • To promote the Military and Security forces of Canada through social and professional contact.
  • To promote the Cadet movement in Canada.

Consistent with these objectives the Institute has contributed funding to enable this award for deserving Cadets.

This award was sponsored by members of The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba.

All Elements - Manitoba Moose Scholarship Award

The Manitoba Moose have been strong supporters of youth throughout the province since arriving in Winnipeg in 1996. True North Sports and Entertainment, the ownership group of the Moose and Winnipeg Jets, are long-time supporters of the Canadian Armed Forces and Cadet Program.

Each season the Moose host a military appreciation night where players wear limited edition military-themed jerseys and raise money for an important cause. In 2019, the Moose selected The Hubbell Awards as the recipient of the funds raised through their jersey auction.

The generous contribution resulted in the Manitoba Moose becoming the 12th Hubbell scholarship sponsor and a continued relationship between The Hubbell Awards and True North Sports and Entertainment.

This award was sponsored by True North Sports & Entertainment and the Manitoba Moose.