Pictures from the 2005 Hubbell Scholarship Presentations

2005 Hubbell Scholarship Recipients


Mr. Kelly Langevan, LCol (Retd) Ivan Poitras and Cadet CPO1 Elias Assefa

Cadet Sgt Shawn Wilkinson and HCol Barry Rempel

Mr. Kelly Langevan, LCol (Retd) Ivan Poitras and Cadet FSgt Omobolanie Famuyide

2005 Scholarship Recipients & Families


Cadet CPO1 Elias Assefa and Family

Cadet FSgt Omobolanie Famuyide and Family

2005 Hubbell Recipients and Cadet Guests


Mr. Kelly Langevan, Cadet FSgt Omobolanie Famuyide, LCol (Retd) Ivan Poitras and Cadet CPO1 Elias Assefa

Cadet CPO1 Elias Assefa, Cadet FSgt Omobolanie Famuyide and Cadet Guest