2011 Lieutenant Laurence Gillmor Sherman Award Recipient

Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder
1226 Fort Garry Horse RCACC

Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder plans to study for a BComm degree at the Asper School of Business. She has attended several cadet camps and earned the Gold star. She has attended a Band exchange program in Australia and was a member of the Cadet Honour Band. She is a member of her school concert and church bands. She is the RSM of her unit and is an Aide de Camp to the Manitoba Lieutenant Governor. She plays school basketball.


MGen Alain Parent, Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder and LCol (Retd) Ivan Poitras

Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder and family

MGen Alain Parent and Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder

MGen Alain Parent, Cadet CWO Clarissa Harder, Cadet CPO2 Evan Maydaniuk and Cadet WO1 Gurkamal Dhillion