2013 Flight Sergeant Fred Marean Award Recipient
Cadet FSgt Anthony Ferens
170 Boeing RCACS
Cadet F/Sgt Anthony Ferens 176 Boeing of Canada Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, will attend the University of Winnipeg beginning in September 2013 where he will study Theatre and Film. His long term objective is a career in the performing arts and teaching. He has been an air cadet for six years and completed several gliding exercises, survival camps, and search and rescue weekends. He has won the top bandsman and earned a bronze badge for sports and fitness. He was a member of the Honour Guard for the Queen's visit in 2010. He earned the Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh award in 2011. Anthony has been a member of his church's choir for three years and has participated in several school musicals as a member of the band. He successfully organized a fund raising concert to support military families and the food bank. He led, supervised and was a role model for junior cadets in activities such as survival exercises, parades, music camps and field trips. He maintains a high level of personal fitness through dance classes, soccer and swimming.