2015 Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) James Randolph Popplow, SBStJ, CD, BSc, BEd, MD, MSc, ABPM (AM), FACPM Award Recipient
Cadet FSgt Amber Donnelly
82 Brandon, RCACS
Cadet FSgt Donnelly will attend the University of British Columbia to study in the applied sciences. Beginning in her second year, she will pursue an Engineering Physics major with a minor in Physics.
She plays the trumpet in the unit band and has participated in effective speaking. Her summer training courses include: General Training; Basic Survival, Advanced Aerospace; and Glider Pilot. At the time of her application she anticipated that she would have an opportunity training to qualify for a private pilot's license.
She has helped her unit by volunteering during tag days and book sales for the Rotary Club. She volunteers some weekends with the Brandon Gliding Centre. For the past four years, she has been a volunteer with Brandon Jazz Festival where her duties have included ticket sales, cleaning, setting-up and tearing-down the venues.
As a FSgt, she regularly leads junior cadets and encourages them to work as a team.
She plays rugby for her school team but has also played basketball, volleyball and badminton.