Pictures from the 2022 Hubbell Awards Presentations
2022 Hubbell Award Recipients
On Thursday, September 22, 2022, at the Manitoba Legislature, Guest Speaker, Brigadier-General Jamie Speiser-Blanchet, CD, Commander of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers, along with the Hubbell Awards Sponsors, makes the Hubbell Awards' presentations to this year's recipients. At the same time Mr. Len Isleifson, Member of The Legislative Assembly for Brandon East and Manitoba’s Special Envoy for Military Affairs, makes the Manitoba Government's bursary presentations to the Hubbell Award recipients.
Gen (Retd) Raymond Henault, Cadet CPO2 Tayne Krishka and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO2 Tayne Krishka
Cadet CPO2 Tayne Krishka and family
Mr. Jim Bruce, Cadet CPO2 Arina Tseragotin and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO2 Arina Tseragotin
Cadet CPO2 Arina Tseragotin and family
Mr. Ron Skelton, Cadet CPO1 Thierney Dignadice and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO1 Thierney Dignadice
Cadet CPO1 Thierney Dignadice and family
LCol (Retd) Ivan Poitras, Cadet MWO Katrina Poirier and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet MWO Katrina Poirier
Cadet MWO Katrina Poirier and family
HCol Cameron Buchanan, Cadet CWO Janelle Poirier and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CWO Janelle Poirier
Cadet CWO Janelle Poirier and family
MGen (Retd) Dennis Tabbernor and Cadet WO2 Manjot Sawhney
Cadet WO2 Manjot Sawhney and family
Cadet WO2 Oluwafifunmi Eso and Mr. Michael Poitras
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Oluwafifunmi Eso
Cadet WO2 Oluwafifunmi Eso and family
LCol (Retd) James Popplow, Cadet WO2 Ethan Patzer and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Ethan Patzer
Cadet WO2 Ethan Patzer and family
Cadet WO2 Vrinda Vyas and Mrs. Arlene Van Ruiten
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Vrinda Vyas
Cadet WO2 Vrinda Vyas and family
HCol (Retd) George E. Chapman, Cadet WO1 Aidyn Pearce and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO1 Aidyn Pearce
Cadet WO1 Aidyn Pearce and family
Mr. Barry Burns, Cadet PO1 Francheska Reyes and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet PO1 Francheska Reyes
Cadet PO1 Francheska Reyes and family
BGen (Retd) Eldren Thuen, Cadet WO2 Lily Hadfield and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet
Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Lily Hadfield
Cadet WO2 Lily Hadfield and family
2022 Hubbell Awards Ceremony
The Hubbell Awards ceremony at the Manitoba Legislature on September 22, 2022.
MGen (Retd) Dennis Tabbernor, President
Mr. Len Isleifson, MLA Brandon East, Host
Gen (Retd) Ray Henault, Patron
MGen (Retd) Dennis Tabbernor, President and BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet, Guest Speeker
Cadet CPO2 Tayne Krishka
Cadet CPO2 Arina Tseragotin
Cadet CPO1 Thierney Dignadice
Cadet MWO Katrina Poirier
Cadet CWO Janelle Poirier
Cadet WO2 Ethan Patzer
Cadet WO1 Aidyn Pearce
Cadet PO1 Francheska Reyes
Cadet WO2 Lily Hadfield
Cadet WO1 Aidyn Pearce, BGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet and LCol Kevin Diduck
The Hubbell Awards ceremony at the Manitoba Legislature on August 22, 2022.
A special ceremony was held for Cadet WO2 Eso (University of Alberta) and Cadet WO2 Vyas (University of British Columbia) who are attending university outside the province and were not available to attend the formal ceremony on September 22, 2022. This special ceremony was held in the Special Envoy for Military Affairs’ office, Mr. Len Isleifson, MLA Brandon East, on August 22, 2022 and was presided over by Hubbell Past President, BGen (Retd) Eldren Thuen.
Mr. Len Isleifson, MLA Brandon East, Host
BGen (Retd) Eldren Thuen, Past President
Cadet WO2 Oluwafifunmi Eso
Cadet WO2 Vrinda Vyas
Mr. Phillip Bingham, Cadet WO2 Vrinda Vyas, Cadet WO2 Oluwafifunmi Eso and LCol (Retd) Robert Nash
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