Pictures from the 2023 Hubbell Scholarship Presentations

2023 Scholarship Recipients

Guest Speaker, MGen Iain Huddleston, Commander 1 Canadian Air Division and Canadian NORAD Region, along with the Hubbell Awards Sponsors, makes the Hubbell Awards' presentations to this year's recipients, in the Manitoba Legislature on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

HCol Bob Vandewater, Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Brian Hawkeye, Cadet CPO1 Emma Austin
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Ron Skelton, Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson
and MGen Iain Huddleston

LCol Ivan Poitras (Retd), Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana
and MGen Iain Huddleston

HCol Cameron Buchanan, Cadet CWO Reinzel Banayad
and MGen Iain Huddleston

HCol Barry Rempel, Cadet WO1 Ariel Luquer
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Michael Poitras, Cadet WO2 Lexi Niemczyk
and MGen Iain Huddleston

LCol James Popplow (Retd), Cadet FSgt Quinton Cheung
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Mrs. Arlene VanRuiten, Cadet WO2 Malia Maciuszonek
and MGen Iain Huddleston

HCol George Chapman, Cadet WO2 Payton Gilhooly
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Barry Burns, Cadet WO2 Reetinder Maur
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Gen Raymond Henault (Retd), Cadet WO1 Leonard Yoo
and MGen Iain Huddleston

Special Envoy for Military Affairs

Mr. Len Isleifson, Member of The Legislative Assembly for Brandon East and Manitoba’s Special Envoy for Military Affairs, makes the Manitoba Government's bursary presentations to this year's recipients.

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO1 Emma Austin

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CWO Reinzel Banayad

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO1 Ariel Luquer

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Lexi Niemczyk

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet FSgt Quinton Cheung

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Malia Maciuszonek

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Payton Gilhooly

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO2 Reetinder Maur

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet WO1 Leonard Yoo

The White Ensign Club of Manitoba Honorarium

LCdr Jerry Dawson (Retd) and SLt Alan Smith (Retd), on behalf of The White Ensign Club of Manitoba, make presentations of a honorarium to this year's Sea Cadet recipients.

SLt Alan Smith (Retd), Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot and
LCdr Jerry Dawson (Retd)

SLt Alan Smith (Retd), Cadet CPO1 Emma Austin and
LCdr Jerry Dawson (Retd)

SLt Alan Smith (Retd), Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson and
LCdr Jerry Dawson (Retd)

2023 Hubbell Awards Recipients and their Families

Host, Mr. Len Isleifson, Member of The Legislative Assembly for Brandon East and Manitoba’s Special Envoy for Military Affairs and Guest Speaker, MGen Iain Huddleston, Commander 1 Canadian Air Division and Canadian NORAD Region, pose with this year's Hubbell Awards recipients.

Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot and family

Cadet CPO1 Emma Austin and family

Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson and family

Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana and family

Cadet CWO Reinzel Banayad and family

Cadet WO1 Ariel Luquer and family

Cadet WO2 Lexi Niemczyk and family

Cadet FSgt Quinton Cheung and family

Cadet WO2 Malia Maciuszonek and family

Cadet WO2 Payton Gilhooly and family

Cadet WO2 Reetinder Maur and family

Cadet WO1 Leonard Yoo and family

2023 Hubbell Awards Ceremony


MGen Iain Huddleston and CWO Daniel Campbell

Cadet WO1 Ariel Luquer

Cadet CWO Reinzel Banayad

MGen Dennis Tabbernor (Retd), President Hubbell Awards Inc.

Members of TheRoyal Winnipeg Rifles Regimental Band Indigenous Drum Group

Members of TheRoyal Winnipeg Rifles Regimental Band Indigenous Drum Group

Mr. Len Isleifson, MLA for Brandon East and Manitoba’s Special Envoy for Military Affairs

Gen Raymond Henault (Retd), Patron, Hubbell Awards Inc.

MGen Iain Huddleston, Guest Speaker

BGen Eldren Thuen (Retd), Past President Hubbell Awards Inc. and MGen Iain Huddleston, Guest Speaker

Cadet Band

Cadet Band

Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot

Cadet CPO1 Emma Austin

Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson

Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana

Cadet CWO Reinzel Banayad

Cadet WO1 Ariel Luquer

Cadet WO2 Lexi Niemczyk

Cadet FSgt Quinton Cheung

Cadet WO2 Malia Maciuszonek

Cadet WO2 Payton Gilhooly

Cadet WO2 Reetinder Maur

Cadet WO1 Leonard Yoo

2023 Scholarship Recipients


The Hubbell Awards Inc. Recipients, Manitoba Legislature, June 13, 2023.