2021 Lieutenant Laurence Gillmor Sherman Award Recipient

Cadet MWO Arabelle Kaye Balmana
526 Winnipeg Grenadiers RCACC

Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana will be pursuing an Engineering Degree at the University of Alberta, in mechanical and structural engineering, and to pursue her fascination with aerodynamics and space design in the field of aerospace engineering. Going to the U of A provides her the opportunity to take a major step towards her desired career and provide the opportunity to see and learn new perspectives, experience new things, and make new friends.

She took her General Training at Vernon CTC in 2019, and the Mountain Bike Instructor course at HMCS Quadra in 2022. She was the best Green Star Cadet in her Corps in in 2018/19 and the best Gold Star Cadet and best Corps NCO in 2021/22.

She has volunteered with Winnipeg Harvest, the Heart and Stoke Foundation of Canada, the Siloam Mission and at a Seniors Home. In High School, she was a mentor for grade 9 students and all other new students, helping them make the transition to a new school environment. Volunteering with the West-Broadway Youth Outreach, she helps inner city children to reach their potential whether that be in schoolwork or outdoor activities.

As a Company Sergeant Major, her leadership responsibilities included leading field training exercises, training lessons and working with the Commissioned and Non- Commissioned leadership of the Corps to ensure things ran smoothly. Appointed Regimental Sergeant Major, the highest-ranking Cadet in the Corps, she is a role model and strives to be a supportive leader for the Cadets in her Corps.

As a Green Star Cadet, she was awarded the Excellence level in fitness and as a Red Star Cadet she is now at the Bronze level. She has swum competitively since 2015 and is a qualified lifeguard. She also joined her school’s track team in 2021. She enjoys doing fitness training on her own, especially cycling and calisthenics.

LCol Ivan Poitras (Retd), Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana and
MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana

Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana and family

Cadet MWO Arabelle Balmana

2023 Scholarship Recipients

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