2021 Naval Officers' Association of Canada - Winnipeg Branch Scholarship Award Recipient
Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson
350 RCSCC Transcona
Cadet CPO2 Zoë Judson plans to attend the University of Manitoba to complete a Bachelor of Science, earn her Ph.D., and then become an MD, with the hope of becoming either a practicing neuro or trauma surgeon.
In Cadets, she attended HMCS Quadra for Basic Drill and Ceremonial as well as the Drill and Ceremonial Instructor courses and served on staff as the Operations Petty Officer. She has achieved the: (Online) Radio Operators Certificate – Maritime; Pleasure Craft Operator’s Certificate; Distinguished Marksmanship Badge; Basic First Aid and CPR certificate; Canadian Sail level 1; Phase 5 qualifications; 5-Year Service Medal; Award of Merit; Navy League Medal of Excellence; Commander Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Coin and was the Divisional Petty Officer on the CAP Staff.
As a member of Volunteen, she planted trees, volunteered at local food banks, helped find individuals to donate to the Canadian Blood Services. With Cadets she participated in garbage clean-up activities and volunteered with the Navy League Women’s Tea. In school she was active in educating the public on the world’s current climate crisis. With the Youth Aid Society, she raised money for local charities and organized events helping to define feminism. Through Ethics Bowl she has educated herself and others on world issues, participating in regional and national competitions.
Knowing that being a good follower is a fundamental piece of being a good leader she has advanced in her Cadet Corps to the position of guard commander, corps gunner, and Regulating Petty Officer and Chief.
She has participated in volleyball, does individual fitness working on her overall endurance, and hopes to complete a marathon this summer. She enjoys sailing, which requires strength and balance, another reason she worked hard to become stronger.
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