2021 Surgeon Captain Gordon Paton Fahrni, DSC, MD Award Recipient

Cadet CPO2 Gael Margaret Maramot
49 RCSCC John Travers Cornwell, VC

Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot hopes to attend McMaster University this Fall to pursue a Degree in Nursing with the aim of becoming a Pediatric Nurse. As a kinesthetic learner, the clinical placements and the innovative simulation experiences offered by McMaster University will provide her a quality education that will prepare her for her career as a nurse.

As a CPO2 at Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps John Travers Cornwell, VC, she has been a member of the band since 2017 and is now the Drum Major and Chief of Band as well as a member of the Drill Team. An avid sailor, she placed third in the Northwest Regional Regatta. She attended Summer Training every year since 2018 and completed her Sail II at HMCS Quadra in 2022. She has received numerous awards and Qualifications including Music level II, Communications Level III , Marksmanship Level I SCOP Modules 1-4, CANSail Level IV, Top Junior Cadet Award, Lord Strathcona Medal, Navy League Medal of Excellence Manitoba Division Sea Cadet of the Year, National Royal Canadian Sea Cadet of the Year (2023) and many more.

She is co-head of the Human Rights Team at school helping to execute campaigns to educate the student body on prevalent social justice issues. She spearheaded the Asian Heritage Month Celebrations, teaches Catechism at her church and volunteers with the Navy League Cadet Corps JRK Millen. Through her volunteering she hopes to help shape young minds.

She is intimately involved in the development of the Cadets in her Corps and is Chief of Training, helping to ensure training runs smoothly. During COVID she helped develop a positive and welcoming online environment. She has a Blackbelt in taekwondo (with many awards), plays competitive Volleyball and has achieved the Gold Level Fitness Award.

HCol Bob Vandewater, Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot and
MGen Iain Huddleston

Mr. Len Isleifson and Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot

SLt Alan Smith (Retd), Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot and
LCdr Jerry Dawson (Retd)

Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot and family

Cadet CPO2 Gael Maramot

2023 Scholarship Recipients

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